Part 17: A machine made of death confronted.
Chapter 16: A machine made of death confronted.
Alright, so let's get this show on the road, folks. Rumor has it there's a CUBE somewhere around here, and that we need it to access the Mirage Tower/Sky Palce.
: What a pretty little pond! And that waterfall, how lovely!
: Yeah, just row toward it, thanks.
: Ugh, I hope there isn't anyone making out in there. I mean, I did see a motorcycle parked outside...
: I bet this place is going to be ridiculous to navigate...
: Just like your weaker friends there, you're going down!
: They're never going to say anything different. Why the fuck do you bother!?
: Maybe one day they will, ok!? One can always hope.
I distinctly remember being on Skype with Oyster while doing this dungeon. I literally walked in this place and took a left and then went down. I pretty much asked him "What the fuck am I supposed to find in this place"...
...To which he replied, "Oh, the CUBE, but I don't remember where it is exactly." I was in this place about two minutes. "Oh, found it." Probably the shortest dungeon ever for me.
: Hey, look what I have, Pitu!
: Yeah, shut the fuck up, I'm still pissed at you.
I have no idea what that is or what it does. Anyway, we're done with this place.
: Hey... that kinda looks like a di...
: Keep it to yourself.
: Everyone thinks that you're fucking retarded. I wonder...
Alright, so here we are. Round one with this place. Yes, round ONE. We're going to make two trips through this place for this update.
: Wow, this place is kinda ugly.
I have no idea what those barrel things are supposed to be...
: But there's oodles of treasure! Woo!
: BATMAN!? Oh man, I love BATMAN!
: Uh, that's BADMAN, Libb. Not Batman.
You've got to wonder who decided to put the gold in these easily accessible chests. And why such weird amounts?
: I have no idea what this is, so you can have it, Libb.
: Oh look, a Robot! Let's go see what he has to say!
: Hell yeah, I am, motherfucker.
: I think he was addressing me, Oyst. Ya dumbass.
: Whatever bitch, go heal something.
: Way ahead of you.
: Agh, finally. Something worth my while.
: I'm going to beat the fuck out of something with this.
: Alright, so we've got this CUBE. Where does it go?
: Hear ya go, buddy!
: This place looks like a bad sci-fi movie set.
: With the music to match.
No, there really isn't much going on in this shot. Other than Oyst's QUAKE spell. Which I find amusing. So here you are.
There are tons of great treasures in this place. Definitely worth the trouble of random battles. Even if you can't use the equpiment, you can always sell it.
: Here, Medi. Time for you to upgrade as well.
: Uh... thanks.
Early on in the game Oyster told me not to bother buying the AMUTE spell because nothing in the game casts MUTE. I guess through his seven playthroughs he's never experienced it. Well. Here I am on my first playthrough. Fortunately we just beat this thing's ass with physical attacks anyway.
: Oh look! It's our old friend the EYE. Hey, how are--
: Good job, Libb! You got him in one hit!
: But I just wanted to say hi...
: I like how we buy things and two seconds later we find them for free.
: Alright, here we go. Makin' progress!
: Is there anything even remotely useful in this place?
: Doesn't seem like it so far...
: HEY! I remember this! That dwarf said he'd make us something good if we brought it back to him! Let's do it right now!
: But we're half way through... Oh. Alright.
: Well, let's keep looking around for a bit, first.
: Don't even fuckin' make a joke here.
: Great.
: I guess it just wasn't in the budget to actually
show that to us. Ok, let's go see what we can do with this ADAMANT.
: Maybe Smith the Blacksmith can make me a great sword. I'm gettin' tired of the one I have.
: I think I'm due for a great weapon, I mean, I am at the front of the line.
: Please, clearly I have been lacking in the physical asskickery department. I am due for the weapons upgrade.
: Hey there, Smith, old pal. We brought you the ADAMANT! All the way from the Sky Palace no less!
: GIVE IT TO ME! Whatever it is, it is mine!
: What do you mean none of you can use it!?
: We just can't equip it, Pitu. Sorry.
: Ugh. That kind of sucks. Oh well. Let's sell it.
: We haven't been here for a while. We need some spells anyway for Libb. I'll bet they'll give us a good price for the sword.
: It's not like we're low on cash, but, we could always just stock up on items.
: Hey shopkeeper guy, how much for this sword!?
: Seems fair. HEY!
: Pitu, what the fuck are you doing!? Get back here with that sword!
: Give me the fuckin' sword, Libb.
: But we were gonna sell it...
: We wasted a trip back from that fucking Sky hell to get this sword. Now none of us can use it. NOW WE HAVE TO GET BACK THROUGH THE SKY FUCK AGAIN! I AM TIRED OF IT... I... I...
:...So you throw it into the harbor?
: Jesusfuck.
: Woo... that's a lot further than I threw the FLOATER. You've got a good arm, Pitu babe.
: Get in the fucking airship. Now.
: Yes ma'am.
: Ok. Um... let's do this again. I guess. god...
Thirty minutes later
: OW. Pitu, stop kicking me!
: I'm tired of this fucking place, get moving!
: Servers?
The inanimate objects you can talk to in this game usually offer the most useless information. I think the wells are more informative than this.
I can't make out exactly what position these guys are in. Somehow they remind me of Esthar soldiers from FFVIII.
: Somethin' for me!
The trick to this room is to realize that it wraps. Just go left, up, left, up and there will be another portal.
: Oh look! I can see Tiamat's lair at the end of this hallway! Let's go for it!
: Yeah! The last FIEND before we go talk to that jerk, Garland!
: I'm ready for this fight, how about you Pitu?
: It's time to test out this hammer for real!
: Hm?
: What's up, Libb?
: I have a bad feeling about this place...
: Let's hurry up and just face Tiamat. I'm feeling weird too.
: Hey... what... in... the... fuck... is... that!?
Click video for epic battle.
: We can do it guys. After that battle. We're ready for anything.
: I got your back, Medi. You ready for this Oyst?
: Yessir. Let's get 'em, Pitu!
Picture contains another video.
And finally, all the orbs are set alight. And yet... one more thing remains. The bastard that sent me on this journey is waiting for me. It's time.
Next time on Let's Play Final Fantasy, we take on the final boss.